Saturday, September 13, 2008

Home at Last.

We just got home with Mom Steffes and got her settled in.  The nurses aid that brought her to the car told her she would miss her.  She said, "I could just come in and sit in your room all day." 

I just have to say it again... Having Gordon's van to bring Mom home in was such a blessing.  It was very easy for her to get in and out of, even in the rain.  

Mom is on a liquid diet along with the feeding tube at night.  The feeding tube will give her about half the calories she needs each day.  She has to get the rest through various liquids.  

Today's devotion was about gentleness.  It was such a blessing to watch the nurses and doctors who dealt gently with all of us.  And we had opportunities through out Mom's stay to talk with people who were hurting and gently share the love of Christ with them.

We rejoice in the gentlesness of our loving God who has dealt with us and our sin so kindly.  Psalm 32:2
Blessed is the man whose sin the LORD does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit. (NLT)

We are blessed.

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